Saturday, February 26, 2011

After God's Heart

David was a man after God's own heart.  I have been contemplating this verse lately.  After God's own heart.  I opened my Bible and read the verse in Acts 13:22, and it all came together.

"...I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will."

David was a man AFTER God's heart - David was in pursuit of the heart of God.  David was imitating the heart of God.  David was in agreement with or united with the heart of God.  I believe David's heart beat with God's heart.  And because David was after God's heart, God knew David would accomplish His will.

David was far from perfect.  Actually, he was not even close to perfection.  David was guilty of adultery and premeditated murder.  However, as Paul is speaking in the synagogue in Acts 13, David's sin is not what Paul speaks about, but rather David's heart - a heart that was after God and a heart that would do God's will.

What is your heart after?  Do you long for Him as the deer longs for water (Psalm 42:1)?  Do not allow your past to keep you from God's best for your life.  It is never too late to fulfill God's purpose in your life.

Let it be said of you, (Your Name Here) was a person after God's own heart, who would do all His will.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Year of Firsts

2011 will be a year of firsts for our family.

On Friday night, Dad crossed the finish line. So today is the first Sunday Mom will worship without him by her side. Tuesday will be the first birthday we celebrate without him. There will be the first Easter, the first anniversary... You get the picture.

For Dad, this is a year of firsts too. His first Sunday worshiping the King of Kings face to face, his first birthday celebrated with His Savior. I can only imagine what it will be like to celebrate resurrection Sunday face to face with the One who died for you. Dad will get to experience this for the first time of eternity this year.

A year of firsts. But I am so thankful that I know the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

To God be the glory!

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