Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lessons Learned From "Big Waves"

Psalm 93:4, "The floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves. The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea."

I have always loved the water. I have had the privilege of growing up and living by Lake Michigan, which I thoroughly enjoy. My family and I love to take our Sea-Doos to the lake, and nothing better than a day when the waves are 3-5 ft. Love it! But Lake Michigan doesn't compare to standing on the shore of the ocean waiting for the big waves.

Lesson One: Back in October 1993, my family and I went to Hilton Head, SC for a week on the beach. There was a tropical storm with the potential of turning into a hurricane headed our way. The rain was non-stop for five days. There was finally a break in the rain, and we walked down to the beach. Wow! The waves were crashing on the shore and the sound was thunderous. I remember having a difficult time talking over the sound of the waves as they crashed on the shore.

When I first read Psalm 93:4, I thought about the many voices fighting for my attention. I thought about how life can get confusing, and how I have often felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions. I thought about the times I was taunted by Satan - you're no good, you have no value, you failed again, why do you even try to live for God, you fail Him all the time... and on and on and on. But without fail, the voice of my Papa Daddy would drown out the voice of the enemy and comfort me with His love and assurance that I was His and He was mine.

Lesson 2: Back in December, 2004, we were visiting my sister who lived on Oahu's North Shore. The town was all abuzz with talk about the big waves that were headed their way. I am thinking 10-15 ft waves. Hah! How foolish of me! They were expecting 40 ft waves. The locals would stand on the shore for hours on end, watching the waves roll in. They were excited to teach me about wave formation and surfing the big waves. Everywhere we went someone would ask, "Did you hear about the 40 footers coming?" When we were not at the beach, my sister would have some website up monitoring the bouy out at sea. The anticipation was something to see! After a couple of days I was wanting to see the 40 footers as much as anyone! We weren't disappointed! The big waves hit in the early morning hours flooding the streets and creating even more excitement!

"The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea." and He is headed our way!

I wonder what would happen if:

We were excited about His coming and shared His love everywhere we went?

We allowed Him to invade every moment of our lives?

We were so consumed with Him that there was no longer any room for the things of this world that only leave us empty and unfulfilled?

We truly believed Romans 8:11, "The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you..." or John 14:12, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works will he do..."

If 40 foot waves are something to get excited about, how much more should we be excited about the One who created those 40 foot waves! Try it... You won't be disappointed!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

If... A Conditional Promise

As I was reading Proverbs 2, verse 1 really jumped off the page.  I guess it was the "if" that got my attention.  A conditional promise - a promise that requires action on my part.

If I receive His Words
It is not enough to just hear what He is saying.  I have to receive what He is saying.  I have to allow His Word to transform my life.  I have to seek His will knowing that He loves me and knows what is best for me.  I have to allow His Word to penetrate the deep places of hurt and offense and bring healing and wholeness.

If I treasure His commands within my heart
1 John 5:3, "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.  And His commandments are not burdensome."  When I allow His Word to penetrate my heart and allow Christ to transform me by renewing my mind (Romans 12:2), then His commands are no longer bondage to me, but rather liberating.  I am truly free!  I no longer "have" to do or not do certain things, I "want" to do or not do certain things.  My love for Christ, my desire to please Him, becomes my motivation for following His commands.  My heart is then filled with His Word, or good treasure, and the overflow of my life will be blessing and not cursing, faith and not fear, life and not death, victory and not defeat, love and not hate (Luke 6:45).

So what is God requiring of me and what will I receive as a result of my obedience?  I believe God is desiring intimacy and relationship and trust.  If I trust Him intimately, then I will receive His Word with an open heart and bear good fruit (Matthew 13:23)  I will follow His commands.  If I am following His commands, then I will not follow the paths of darkness, but I will walk in the way of goodness and righteousness.  Then my life will be blessed.

In His Grace...